"Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish the body." - Unknown

   I began researching this topic of healthy eating tips for the holidays, that I'm about to discuss, by looking up some quotes. I was surprised and elated to see so many tips (and so simple) with the same focus Heather and I have in our daily rituals. For example, we have recently started listening to meditations each night while lying in bed, decompressing and man, can I say that it really has made a BIG difference. It allows your mind to slowly wind down, turn back, and relax fully. This is just one of many different techniques used in self-care. 

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." Ann Wigmore
  • Exercise - These days most people have children, a full-time job, events, grocery shopping, etc. and complain of not having enough time to squeeze in exercise, self devotion, or new practices like going to the gym or taking part in a yoga class. I understand completely! I think the easiest thing you can do to devote time to yourself is start small. My buddy James was ecstatic one day, years ago, when he realized if he just put aside 5-10 minutes before bed time to stretch, how much better he slept and how much faster he was in dreamland after resting his melon. Simple things like stretching or waking up then putting on a Youtube video of a gentle 10-15 minute yoga session will help to shape and transform the rest of your day. You can enjoy this time with yourself and/or significant other!
  • Ask For Help - One thing, that's incredibly huge and people don't always consider, is taking on more than you can manage. This critical misstep can really cause a lot of unwanted stress and resentment. I've seen it first hand, people can get so overwhelmed by cooking for large or even small groups of family or friends, since a lot goes in to doing so: the house must be cleaned, the table set, preparation, engagement....etc. You can easily alleviate these feelings by simply asking for help, like everyone bringing a dish, or perhaps only inviting your most loved ones, keeping it small (well, families are large but, perhaps tone it back some). Its not healthy on the body to be stressed and then you really can't fully enjoy the festivities and you'll end up sick and exhausted when it's over.
  • Manage Your Cravings - Try eating a light meal or some of your favorite veggies with some hummus before you leave to a holiday party or family get together. You know there are going to some of your favorite desserts made by Grandma. Indulge in one! Just be careful not to gorge and don't let your eyes be bigger than your stomach. Eat until your satiated, not stuffed like the ham on the table.
  • Meditate - As I mentioned before the meditation before bed has been key, we use this app called Insight Timer and it has hundreds if not thousand of different kinds. Whether its a soothing voice directing your breathing, white noise, or relaxing music you can find it and it's free! Who doesn't love free stuff this time of year.
  • Find Time For Yourself - The other day I saw how my sister was needing some "me time" so her great friend, sensing this, told her to drop the kids off at her house and told her to go relax. She did so and ended up going to the beach, which recharged her and she was grateful to do so. A simple thing like this can totally fix any problem, stress, or clouded thoughts. Do something you really enjoy like going to the movies, reading a book, going to the beach, or taking a much needed nap.

 Well hope some of those can get you through your holidays season. Until next time, hope your holidays are merry & bright!

                                          Take care,
